It is Waterloo 200, the historical conclusion to the bicentennial of the Napoleonic Wars!
This event has already brought forth many marvellous commemorative wargames around the world, with more to come as the year progresses.
In fact, the years 1992–2015 have seen a bustle of activity amongst Napoleonic wargamers. A wide variety of games, big and small, using a range of figure scales, rules and interpretations have been conducted in clubrooms, sheds, halls, wargaming conventions, attics and gaming rooms around the world. Links to some of these are presented on this blog (see tabs above).
But what of the experience of staging these games? What have people learned about the history of the period, the actions of the participants, even about themselves and their wargamng colleagues?!
To this end we thought it would be interesting for all of us Napoleonic wargamers to record some survey information about the Napoleonic bicentennial wargames that have been played - and how they turned out. The survey is aimed at groups/clubs and individuals who played out battles over the last few years.
Fittingly, the survey has gone ‘live’ today. It will remain open until 11 Sep 15, and we'll try to post updates on the Wargaming Waterloo blog as to how many responses we're getting. We'll then aim to write up the results during Oct/Nov so as to publish them online, and hopefully also get a summary into one or more of the wargaming magazines.
Survey Link:
We hope you find can find the time to complete it, and we look forward to sharing the results.
David Burden & James Fisher